Tuesday, April 7, 2009


car ins

letter to web company
Howard R,

Thank you for your summary.

Did this letter received give the company the right to include his information under my account number? There is no partnership I have made attempts to form partnerships with him, but he has been evasive. There is an agreement for a small percentage to be paid after costs of profit on our next offering. This does not constitute a partnership.
This data is so tied up that I have yet to see my data and I am still not able to add to it. The communication between you and me and betweeen you and him has led to the data being zipped. If there was a partnership I would have had the password, user name and the , and the account last 4 numbers required for your "authentication process" . There would never have been an expriation. There would not have been a necessity to zip the data and waste time arguing about whether the data existed and who wrote it. Your priority allegiance to him was not warranted especially after I "authenticated" things with the Way Back data in the Archives.

There was a valuable contract lost which I am still in the process of trying to retrieve
which was the direct result of this fiasco. This is where he could have collected monies
but due to his practice of dissappering we lost. Now I am still trying to unzip something that took years to build, based on promises. All is not lost, but there have been costs that have occurred. Who is the executive of your company that deals with these matters over you and over him or her. I need to know their name if nothing else

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